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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tacloban Weekend: Day One

As you may have figured out, I'm in Tacloban. A city situated right at the heart of Eastern Visayas, home to the  infamous San Juanico bridge and my hometown. The last time I came home was about two month ago just before school began, so when I figured from the school calendar that we would have a three-day weekend, I immediately booked a flight so I can spend time with Ma and the rest of the fambam. Plus, I was really looking forward to relaxing, which is hard to have when you are in the big city (unless you go to the spa). Though, Tacloban is a city in itself, it still has the countryside feel to it. New shops, clubs, restaurants and a mall opened in the recent years and the old ones also did a little upgrade. You can see development everywhere and what's good about it is that there is less traffic and we still have fresh air (thank God!).

Today (but, by the time I post this, it'll be the next day), I spent the entire morning at home, checked the whole house, played with the dogs and helped in the chores and all. I had a chat with my uncle (my mom's older brother) over lunch, it's our way of updating each other really. In the afternoon, I went for a trip to the mall which is a five-minute ride from home. Robinson's Place was the best thing that has ever happened to southerner's like me, since, most of the things have been happening in the northern part of the city (we call it downtown) for ages. 

   There was not too many shoppers so, the mall wasn't that crowded.

    The view from the 2nd level.

                      This girl is actually wearing the same school uniform that I wore back in high school.

                       Ma met up with me after work for some pizza. 

    My outfit was laid back and comfortable with flip flops, of course.

I'll head downtown for my Day Two, the place just screams authentic Tacloban culture. I'll write a post about it tomorrow so you'll see what I'm talking about.

Edit: I couldn't go out of the house for Day Two, it rained all day. SAD:(

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